Butterow Beagles
Ashbourne, Derbyshire
Contact: Joan Lennard
Tel No: 01283 732377
Email: windlehill@btinternet.com
Website: www.windlehill.co.uk

Established in 1972, we are a small kennel, producing a litter occasionally when we want a new puppy for ourselves to show.
Our beagles live with us in the home, so good temperament as well as soundness and good looks are very important to us.
Successes include first prizes at Crufts and Championship Shows and breeding Champion Butterow Crafty Chantress of Jesson who was Crufts Best of Breed in 1983.
We are members of the following Breed Clubs –
The Beagle Association, The Beagle Club, Northern and Midland Counties Beagle Club, Scottish Beagle Club and West Mercia Beagle Club.

All our Beagles have been tested clear for MLS, NCCD and Lafora.
Puppies are Kennel Club Registered, health checked, microchipped and given their first vaccination before leaving us.